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What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?


The occurrence of measles diagnoses in various states has lawmakers promoting bills around the country to restrict personal exemptions. As in California, this move will be followed with bills to remove religious exemptions, and then by attempts to sanction or otherwise penalize medical doctors who offer medical exemptions.

In Clark County Washington, an ethnic group that does not vaccinate primarily due to religious exemptions is the seat of the current measles outbreak. So far, 63 cases of measles diagnosis are reported. In Brooklyn, an outbreak among another ethnic/religious group is larger, with about 260 cases reported.

Measles virus transmission is controllable via isolation, and symptoms are manageable via proper hydration and Vitamin A doses.

In the past, measles incidence used to have a cyclic incidence with peaks every 3-4 years. In the recent past, the occurrence of outbreaks also appears to be cyclic. It’s part of the natural ecology of the virus in the human population.


Further, the MMR vaccine does not prevent measles infection, it prevents measles diagnoses. Gregory Poland and colleagues correctly described the measles paradox in 1994, noting that in highly vaccinated populations, the predominant mode of transmission appears to be from fully vaccinated individuals:

“The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons. Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles. The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined.” Source:

Yes, asymptomatic transmission is real.

Given that two- and multi-dose MMR vaccination has not prevented measles circulation in the US, the strategy of blaming so-called anti-vaxxers (i.e., the Vaccine Risk Aware) will not stop transmission when exogenous infections come to the US. Adding 2% coverage will not prevent silent infection and silent transmission.

The MMR is America’s only vaccine in use to prevent measles diagnoses. Note that while measles immunization has had an impact on the number of diagnoses (cases), it was a late-comer as a factor in reducing mortality, and that individuals hyping the risk are not being objective.

Still, the public has been asking or a single-dose measles vaccine for years, to increase consumer choice options. Merck, and their MMR is now under fire for fraud in a whistleblower case in which the scientists allege that they were instructed to spike human samples with rabbit antibodies. They claim the efficacy of the MMR (against the mumps virus) was 18% – that’s against the Jeryl Lynn strain, from the 1960’s, and to secure the contract w/the CDC, Merck defrauded the FDA (and the American public).

Finally, as Del Bigtree pointed out to the Health Service Committee in Olympia Washington yesterday, adults who were vaccinated against measles are no longer immune. Therefore, herd immunity, or so-called “community immunity”, is a myth.-

Source: King5

So what is driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks? Nothing, because they are not preventable with current vaccination technology.

On Wednesday, Feb 27, there will be a hearing on “Confronting a Growing Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreaks in the US”. In reality, there is no “Growing Public Health Threat”. On March 5, there will be a Senate Hearing on the topic of this blog post.

Therefore, be sure to tell your Congressional Reps and Senators that

A 2014 World Health Organization report included the following risks from measles, mumps or rubella Vaccination:

Some families cannot tolerate this and other vaccines. I’m calling for an end the hype, an end Fear-Based Policies and return to Science-Based Policies that respect ALL of humanity.


This effort is not funded by any means, except some meager ad revenue. Your support will help me offset costs. Won’t you pitch in?


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