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After Threatening Forcible Removal of the Public from the Allegheny County Courthouse, a Deaf, Blind, and Dumb Allegheny County Board of Health Votes for a Non-Binding HPV Vaccine Recommendation


TODAY was another kangaroo session in the Allegheny County Board of Health in a meeting in which parents informed the Board of Health on the realities of the risk of widespread HPV vaccination. On … but not on… the agenda today was and “Vaccines”. I had tried to register for public comment on both “Vaccines” and “HPV Vaccine”, but was misinformed by Dr. Karen Hacker’s office that “HPV Vaccine” and “Vaccines” were the same agenda item.

During the public comment period, numerous parents stepped up to the microphone for their three minute opporunity to inform the Allegheny County Board of Health of both the realties of risk associated with HPV vaccination in terms of human morbidity and mortality, such as the death of Chris Tarsell, teens who had been paralyzed and who are now dead.

Many parents correctly schooled the Allegheny County Board of Health that no HPV vaccine safety study used a saline placebo; that the vaccine was rushed to market under FDA’s fast-track mechanism; that the number of HPV-related deaths in the US continues to rise as government pushes the vaccine on more people. There was at least one parent there who was afraid to speak for fear of employment consequences. I provided public comments that informed Allegheny County Board of Health of the sorry state of HPV vaccine safety science (my bullet point comments provided in italics below). The public schooled the Allegheny County Board of Health on the realities that Japan refused to recommend the HPV vaccine for their citizens.

About an hour earlier, I had pulled into a parking lot across the street from the Allegheny County Court House, a box of 20 books under my arm. I spotted the local CBS news station KDKA van and a KDKA car. The occupants of both cars were given copies of “HPV Vaccine On Trial” before I entered the courthouse. I had even sent every member of the Allegheny County Board of Health their own copies of “HPV Vaccine on Trial” with assurance from the USPS that they would arrive by noon – today.

What transpired in the Courthouse was an outrageous abuse of power. The Allegheny County Board of Health had previously considered mandating the HPV Vaccine for school attendence in Allegheny County – but due to a large showing of parents who were much, much more informed that the medical doctors who had offered public comment, and due to my questioning on whether their pending vote required open public comment period – they had tabled the issue to committee. They even tried to sneak in a vote on a recommendation – without open public comments – and were called out on that, too.

But things were different this time.

Not a single member of the public stood up and spoke in favor of the HPV vaccine.

The Board heard an inaccurate report from Dr. Kristen Mertz, who claimed, among other things, that while moral and philosophical exemptions rates are showing a slight increase in Allegheny County, it is not as bad in Allegheny County as it is in California (there are no moral and philosophical exemptions allowed in California). Mertz reported that HPV vaccine is not required for school attendence, and on HPV vaccine reporting rates by nurses in schools… yes, you read that correctly, the Allegheny County Board of Health has been collecting vaccination statistics on students for a non-mandated vaccine – from school employees (nurses) – using our taxpayer dollars and time to track the uptake of a 100% optional vaccine. Why is anyone tracking that particular medical option? What about rates of autism, ADHD, allergey, rheumatoid arthritis, anxiety, depression, teen suicides, demyelinating disorders, POTS, PANS,, MMF, ASIA and a slew of other conditions that might be caused by aluminum-containing vaccines?

Suddenly, off Agenda, the Board then began discussions about a motion to make a recommendation for HPV vaccination.

The chair, Lee Harrison, handed out a packet and called for a motion

Harrison: “You also have in your packet a resolution on HPV Vaccine, I’m not going to read the entire thing, I’m just going to read the bottom line, which says “Now, therefore be it resolved hereby recommends that any child, in any county, unless otherwise counseled by their physician, receive the HPV vaccine according to the following ACIP recommendation (motioning for a guard to come into the court room)

So when folks are ready, um…

Caroline, did you join in (to the telephone…)

So, Board member Caroline Mitchell has also joined me, thanks for calling in…”

(One Board member speaking, away from the microphone, about having time to read the motion)…

Harrison: “So when folks are ready…”

Harrison: “If I could hear a motion, that would be great…”

(Karen Hacker inaudibly mouthing words to another Board member to the left of Harrison, away from the mic…)

Harrison: “Yeah, right, so we talked about this before, this is not a binding resolution, this is a (waving his hand) recommendation of the board, this is non-binding, this is not a regulation… this is just a resolution from the board… we talked about a recommendation…”

Other board member: (inaudible)

Harrison:“Well, I, I…” (interrupted by The Public)

The Public: “Could you turn your mic up please, I can’t hear you”.

Other board member: “Sorry” (moves microphone into place)

Harrison:The idea is to, is to vote on it as a resolution of the Board of Health.”

Other board member: “Oh, that’s easy.”

Other board member “I’d like to proposal a resolution… to… accept… this (inaudible).”

Harrison: “Second?”

Someone: “Yes, I second.”

The Public: “Point of order question?”

Harrison: “I’m sorry, this is not an interactive session”

Hacker (speaking at the the same time, to The Public: (inaudible)

Harrison (turning to the other board member): “Any… other…”

The Public: “I’m sorry, a point of order question?”

Hacker (motioning to the guard, inaudible)

Allegheny County Board of Health Member Karen Hacker motions to the guard to come into the courtroom at the moment The Public requested information on a point of order on the process.

Harrison: (speaking, inaudible)

The Public: “I have a question on a point of order, please.”

Hacker: “This is not an open session, please sit down (motioning toward the guard) or we will have you removed.”

The Public: “You are pre-judging the question that I have on a point of order”.

Hacker: “This is not a question and answer period.”

The Public: “Is the public not entitled to…”

Hacker: “This is not a question and answer period.”

The Public: “Is the public not entitled to unlim…”

Hacker: “This is not a question and answer period.”

The Public: “Is the public allowed to comment, with unlimited time, on motions put to vote by the Board?”

Hacker: This is not a question and answer period.”

Harrison: “Please sit down…”

Hacker: “Please sit down, or we will have to ask you to leave.”

Harrison: (Addressing the other board member): “Any other comments? Additional
comments before we vote?”

Harrison: Ok…” (Proceeds with the vote) (see video below my comments).

Ignoring all of the information provided by the parents, and provided by a scientist (read below), the motion passed, and the Allegheny County Board of Health refused to hear public comment about a vote on a non-agenda item that had obviously been prepared beforehand, presumable by Dr. Harrison, who provided the rest of the board with “the packet”.

Yes, you have it right. The Allegheny County Board of Health had to threaten The Public with physical removal from the Allegheny Courthouse for its desire to discuss HPV Vaccine benefits and risks before they passed a non-binding resolution that the Allegheny County Board of Health recommends the HPV vaccine.

My arrest would have been binding. Over discussion of a resolutions for a recommendation that is non-binding. Watch for the next chapter in the continuing saga of how The Allegheny County Board of Health is building public trust in the HPV vaccine.


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