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Dr. Lyons-Weiler Invites Boston Herald to Retract Editorial as Hate Speech


Rachell Cohen,

You don’t know me. You should. In fact, every newspaper should know about me from my book. By all rights (I’m told) it should be a New York Times best-seller. But your Pharma masters won’t let you publish anything negative about vaccines.  They OWN you, the same way they OWN both sides of the aisle in Congress.

Now that we’re on such good terms, let me tell you what I think your Editorial. It’s hate speech. It, like all bigotry, is based on pure arrogance mixed with ignorance.  And I invite your boss to retract your Editorial. And I invite you to do your homework.  Get to know some of these crazed, insane, hapless parents.   I did.

Well after I vaccinated both of my sons.

Neither of whom have vaccine-induced encephalopathy-mediated autism.

Do you know why I stand with the parents who call for warnings against the current vaccine schedule, and by those who call for spreading them out, and for those who call for safer vaccines without neurotoxins like mercury, and aluminum?

Because I’ve read the REST of the science.  Not the garbage studies that CDC put up as “definitive”.  I read over 2,000 studies on autism.  Including all  the studies ignored by the CDC that found positive association between vaccines and autism. And you know what?

The parents are right.

Vaccine-induced encephalopathy-mediated autism is real.

Autism is environmental.

One million kids have developed autism since Frank Destefano, Coleen Boyle, and others fudged the science meant to address the question on whether vaccines cause autism or not.  They removed results showing a strong vaccine/autism link. (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8).  They overcooked the data for other studies. Routinely.

You, Rachel, are the one putting millions at risk of brain injury and death with your ignorant hate speech and your vaccine risk denialism.

That’s why I’m inviting the Boston Herald to regain its journalistic integrity, and retract your “Editorial”.

Because, Racheel, like many, you know nothing about autism.

And because, Recall Cohen, you know nothing about the garbage science that CDC holds up as definitive.

And because, Rachel, macrophages uptake mercury and aluminum and deposits those metals in the brain, where they shut down astrocytic uptake of glutamate, which causes chronic reactive gliosis, which leads to the destruction of dendrites, and neural precursor cells.

But, as you’re just a journalist, you wouldn’t know that.  Because a journalist is no longer allowed to ask questions about vaccines in Amerika.

And you wouldn’t know that vaccines can directly cause mitochondrial dysfunction.  And you wouldn’t know that vaccines can directly cause autoimmune disorders. And you wouldn’t know that vaccines can cause proteins disorders.

And you would not know that there is a genetically susceptible minority of Americans who cannot tolerate the neurotoxins in vaccines and other toxins as well as the rest of us who deserve equal protection from harm from vaccines – under the 14th Amendment.

What you know is how to belch hate-filled Editorials based on a non-critical analysis of the situation.

These vaccine-risk aware autism moms and dads don’t grow every day just because people who don’t vaccinate spread the truth.  They grow every day because vaccines keep injuring sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, and nieces, nephews.  And they warn others, at considerable risk of being misunderstood and maligned by ignoramuses like yourself (I once was almost like you).

The autism parents rank among the best people in the world to me. They don’t need protection from free speech about vaccine risk.  Neither do the Somali parents.  These parents are WARRIORS. They are smart, informed, educated, logical, and reasonable.

Unlike you, Rachell, they care.  They are good people, taking the time to educate Somalis and other African Americans that they might be able to protect their kids from harm with vitamins.

Because that’s what we found when we brought the vaccine hegemony to Africa.

And they are something else.  Something you may never be.

They are among the most giving, caring, compassionate people I have ever met.

Parents of children with vaccine injury who speak out have one and only one agenda.

To protect other peoples’ kids.

And each one of them, I’m sure, would line up at your gallows to be the first martyr in the war for our children’s brains, and our minds.

But, if you want to pick the trees, or construct the gallows, Rakkell, we won’t stop you.

Hang us, Raqueel.  Hang us all.

One question.

Whatever will you do with all the bodies?

While you’re calling for death squads, the rest of us peaceable, civilized folks are discussing health directions in neurodevelopmental disorders,  the future of immunity, and discussing vaccine safety science and science integrity and the size of the market for vaccine safety screening biomarkers.

Oh, and we’re all subscribing to the Boston Globe.  Because they don’t condone hate speech.

PS Do you know why I stand with parents who choose to exercise their rights to refuse to vaccinate altogether?  Because they are merely exercising their internationally and nationally recognized rights to informed consent.  Or, or some of us have taken to calling it, informed DISSENT.  Check the Federal regulations.  It’s all there.

PPS – Shirley (Rauquael, whatever), your contribution is such a FINE piece of literary work that it will be remembered as one of the least enlightened contributions to the discussion our society is embarking upon.  Watch for news.  It’s coming.


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