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Why Judging the Vaccine Risk Aware is Cruelty Beyond Measure


WHEN I POSTED my firmly-held understanding of who is responsible for Colton Berrett’s death, I learned about the best of humanity – the loving, caring, people whose hearts go out to Colton’s family, and families like Colton’s.  When I attended and presented at OAMF’s Guillan Barre Syndome event in Columbus, OH, I saw it again – loving health care professionals, vaccine injured, and concerned citizens standing up for informed choice.  Michael Bailey had refused the flu shot, and with his job threatened, he relented (after putting in writing to his place of work his fears of adverse reactions).  Both Colton and Michael Bailey were paralyzed.  Both died.

Unfortunately, I also experienced some of the most disgusting and heartless behavior online.  People denying the the HPV vaccine killed Colton (it most assuredly did).  One online poster callously lecture Michael Bailey’s widow and accused her of “Selective Outrage” and chastised her for (in his mind) not caring enough about people who have died from influenza.

First of all, 71% of patients enrolled in HPV vaccine pre-licensure studied were given “New Medical Records” in which their adverse events were recorded.  Those events were not counted toward adverse events.  That’s criminal, and the researchers and their supervisors all belong in jail for defrauding the FDA, and thereby, the US population.  Colton died because the risks were buried.

Second, this year’s flu shot is only 10% effective – to blame those who choose to not vaccinate for the surge in influenza is ridiculously off-based.  Michael Bailey died because people believe the myth of herd immunity – even for a shot that is only 10% effective – and because the flu vaccine is not safe for some people.  Mrs. Bailey had not even expressed her own opinion about deaths from influenza.  Online trolls speak for their opponents, and by turning vaccine risk informed statements and twisting them into statements not representative of the vaccine risk informed person, create false statements that are more easily attacked.  Those false statements are called Straw Men arguments.  In this case, this particular person crossed the line.

What bothers me the most is that to a person – and I have had the high pleasure of meeting thousands – to a person, each and every outspoken vaccine risk aware individual is












And, if you are one of the Vaccine Risk Aware,  you are


Don’t let the detractors or the hate or lies and accusations slow you down.   Can you imagine blaming people who have lost loved ones to cancer for warning others about carcinogens?  Vaccines do not kill or paralyze everyone.  But smoking does not kill everyone, either.  The Vaccine Risk Aware are being persecuted.  In government control of opposition, it’s called blaming the victim.

If you are 100% against vaccines, you’re anti-vax, I respect your right to your opinion.

If you, like me, want The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) enforced, to make vaccines safer, and protect those who are increased risk, I respect your opinion.  If you want vaccines for yourself and your children, in spite of the risk, I respect your opinion.


But if you blame the vaccine injured for vaccine risk awareness, you are being cruel.  It may be that you are ignorant, or in denial, or are willfully misrepresenting the truth:

Vaccine makers have bamboozled the public on vaccine safety, and in some cases, on vaccine efficacy, and the CDC is complicit.

Congress knows.  Congress is complicit.

The Vaccine Risk Aware community is impatient, but we know that every round of vaccines given across the country, sadly, grows the Vaccine Risk Aware army that famously puzzled Sanjay Gupta.

Be assured: The public will win.  But people will be killed and injured by vaccines before our victory.

It’s only a matter of time.

So, my Vaccine Risk Aware followers, let us continue – at all costs.  Let us tell each and every person within the reach of our voices.  I don’t have to tell you how to do it.  You are already












and LOVED.

We are all in this together, including those who do not yet know, and those who are in denial.


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