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An Open Letter to Megan Babb, MD


Dr. Babb,

I know you mean well. I know you believe you are “keeping little ones safe”.

But unfortunately you exemplify what’s wrong with our medical professionals today.

What you don’t realize (or worse, don’t want anyone to know you realize) is that by vaccinating little ones and big ones against B. pertussis in advance of the birth of an infant, you’re creating silent carriers of whooping cough who can infect that newborn baby with the wild-type pertussis bacterium.

What you don’t realize is that medical professionals who do not leave work for ten days after being vaccinated against pertussis are a reliable and consistent source of wild-type B. pertussis via asymptomatic transmission. You really should wear a mask. You do realize that whooping cough can kill, right?

What you don’ t know is that the 250 micrograms of aluminum in the HepB shot is causing respiratory distress and deaths in underweight and pre-term infants, and that the amounts of aluminum in vaccines were never determined using safe dosing research protocols that account for body weight. Even a 7.5 kg male infant receives 33.33 mcg/kg/day – far about the amounts considered safe by the FDA/CFR.

You obviously also don’t know that:

-No study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated has been conducted, comparing the entire CDC schedule to no vaccines, nor to a schedule that spaces out vaccines

-Not all vaccines have been tested for association with autism (so how can CDC say “VACCINES are not associated with autism”?)

-Some studies have indeed found association of vaccines with autism.

-No study has ever been conducted that has shown that vaccination in the NICU is safe. See #nicuchallenge

-No study has every been conducted comparing vaccine schedule that space out vaccines compared to the CDC schedule, which contains multiple vaccine on the same day.

-Aluminum hydroxide, a component in many vaccines, is used to reliably and routinely produce rhinitis, allergies, asthma, food allergies, autoimmunity and autism in rats and mice.

Thimerosal suppresses the expression of the protein ERAP1, which is responsible for shortening proteins we need for a healthy immune system.

-People who receive thimerosal-containing flu vaccines are more likely to have increased non-influenza respiratory infections. I think that this is true because their ERAP1 proteins are not working.

-Cross-reactive antibodies are found in patients in case studies as a matter of routine after vaccination, including individuals who suddenly develop demyelinating syndromes and rheumatoid arthritis and a variety of other autoimmune disorders. Molecular mimicry is a known and accepted cause of autoimmune disorders involving pathogen proteins that match human proteins, via either active infection or delivered in vaccines.

-The IOM relied on four studies to conclude that vaccines do not cause autism – three of which were far too small (too few patients) to detect a differences in ASD rates if one did exist. This after they rejected 17/22 studies as being flawed. They also failed to consider the mechanistic (animal) studies because they didn’t have a free weekend.

-Dr. William Thompson of the CDC informed Dr. Brian Hooker that results showing an increased risk of autism due to on-time vaccination with the MMR vaccine were stripped from the presentation to the IOM. The study (Destefano et al., 2004) contained subgroup analysis results that showed no association, including Aftrican American females- but did not include the results Thompson told Hooker that his supervisors took out (African American males and so-called isolated autism subgroups). Hooker had waited for ten years for the CDC to produce the data under a FOIA request. You can hear Thompson make the reveal to Hooker on YouTube hereYou can hear Thompson make the reveal to Hooker on YouTube hereYou can hear Thompson make the reveal to Hooker on YouTube here).

There is much, much more I could fill you in on. Your open letter to Justin Timberlake is condescending to him and to parents everywhere. He knows more than you do about these issues. I can produce thousands of stories of children killed and maimed by vaccines. They all have been taped – first-hand testimony to the daily slaughter of individuals who cannot tolerate vaccines as well as others. Those stories are testimony that cannot ever be undone. Watch Vaxxed – and see some of them for yourself here.

And, Megan, parents exercising the right to choose or refuse via regulations that govern informed consent are not “confusing” anyone. They are actually clarifying for other parents that such rights exist, and are available to them. And for good reason.

I would hope that the medical community would join the burgeoning ranks of the vaccine injured in our mission to reduce vaccine injury. Vaccine Risk Denialism is harming and killing children and adults. And for what? The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 not only indemnified you and other doctors from liability for vaccine injury – along with vaccine manufacturers. It also mandated that vaccines be made safer, and that the susceptible subgroups of patients most likely to suffer vaccine injury be identified.

You enjoy protection – so should the patients who are at risk of being harmed.

Where there is risk, there must be choice.


PS Ikea has recalled a dresser after 8 children were killed. Thousands – perhaps tens of thousands – have died after vaccination. Ikea is ethical.

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