Books and Publications by James Lyons-Weiler


The Environmental and Genetics Causes of Autism. 2016. Skyhorse Publishing, New York. This book, written for the public and for professionals, presents a clear exposition on autism and its environmental and genetic causes. With over 900 primary literature citations, it clarifies the place of “Regressive Autism”, reviews the evidence of the genetic aspects of autism. “Autism genes” include “Autism Risk Genes”, “Environmental Susceptibility Genes” and “Autism Phenotype Modifier Genes”.  A new theory of autism, the Environmental Toxin Liability Sampling Theory, explains the unusual distributions of genetic risk, the increases in de novo genetic variation in autistics, and the rapid rate of increase in autism. The author presents genes associated with various aspects of autism, and a chapter on emerging treatments. (Now available for pre-order on Amazon) – get free shipping when you order Amazon Prime!) Citations listed at


Cures vs. Profits: Successes in Translational Research (World Scientific, 2016).

“Doctors don’t want cures, they want treatments”. Really? This book deals with the realities of the stresses and tensions between profit motives and the drive to improve health care options via biomedical research. Written for the public.






coverWhere the Power Lies: Clinical Trial Study Design in the Era of Big Science and Big Data. IPAK Technical Report TR2016-1:1-29.

Reveals fundamental flaws in the design of clinical trials that impede discovery in biomedical research, and outlines robust advances suited for Big Data in the era of Big Science.  Useful for clinical researchers, biostatisticians, and data miners.



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Ebola: An Evolving Story (World Scientific, 2015).

Written during the 2015 Ebola epidemic, this hard-hitting,book provides a up-to-date review on the science of Ebola, tells the fully story of the epidemic, and reveals disturbing details of the disconnect between scientific knowledge and public policy. Written for the public. Free shipping via Amazon Prime.