Dr. lyons-weiler caLLS OUT bruce miller, md for pathologizing rational discourse


Bruce Miller. MD of the AMA Caught Gaslighting – or Dunning–Kruger?


  1. I like the word “cognogen”! Obviously, a cognogen can go both ways. Think of the placebo and nocebo effects. I keep wondering if the reason I’ve had no problem staying healthy through this whole thing is because I don’t believe most of what the MSM is selling.

    This pandemic has been managed for maximum fear and stress—2 things that can easily contribute to illness. In fact, according to Bruce Lipton in “The Biology of Belief,” the immune system shuts down entirely, when one is in a state of fear.

    So, this “pandemic” has been managed for maximum illness.

    Talk about mixed messages: At the end of last winter, we were all urged to hunker down in our homes and not go anywhere. I watched in disbelief as public parks, beaches, and hiking trails were shut down, because—obviously—sunlight, fresh air, and exercise had suddenly become bad for everyone. Then, in September, driving by my local elementary school often, I saw all the little kids being taught outside, under tents, in the fresh air. Now, the message is that we’re all going to get sick as we hunker down inside again for winter.

    I think “public health official” should be in the dictionary as an example under the word “ignorant.”

    BTW, Dr. Siddhartha Mukheree is a curiously silent voice on the handling of the pandemic. In his tiny book “The Laws of Medicine,” he explains how medical tests can be made essentially useless by being hurled at asymptomatic people, under his first “law.” Here’s a snippet:
    If the false-positive rate rises to 1 percent and the prevalence falls to 0.05 percent—both realistic numbers—then the chance of a positive test’s being real falls to an abysmal 5 percent. The test is now wrong 95 percent of the time.

    … It seems like a trick pulled out of a magician’s hat: by merely changing the structure of the tested population, the same test is transformed from perfectly useless to perfectly useful. …

    The “prior knowledge” that I am describing is the kind of thing that old-school doctors do very well, and that new technologies in medicine often neglect.

  2. I’d like to recommend another book in this space, Dr. Bernard Lown’s “The Lost Art of Healing.” Lown was a cardiologist at the Brigham in Boston. Part of his treatment for people who sought him out was to spend as much time as possible in his office with them, just chatting. He found that most of his patients who had cardiac problems also had something going on in their lives that was hugely troubling to them. He found that if he could finally unlock that box and get them to talk about what was troubling them, and then offer them suggestions for how they might look at their perceived problem differently, or how they might address it, often their cardiac problems disappeared without the need for pharmaceuticals or other intervention.

    A very worthwhile read!

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