To sign this declaration, put your name or organization’s name as a comment.

We, humanity, recognizing our entitlements to life and procreation provided by our natural origins on this planet, HEREBY ASSERT AND DECLARE OUR RIGHTS TO HEALTH, of which we will tolerate no infringement upon, and will defend by all necessary means:

Our access to unpoisoned air and water;

Our access via trade and commerce to unpoisoned soil;

Our access via trade and commerce to unadulterated food;

Our access to options to maintain and increase our own health by means that we decide, individually or in unions, are best suited for ourselves, and for our progeny;

Our rights to refuse to participate in medical research of any nature with prior, free and informed consent, and to be treated with dignity befitting human beings without exception, and

Our rights to choose, or refuse any “medicine”, including drugs, presumed prophylactics, and psychological exposures, delivered by any means into our bodies and our minds at any phase or stage of life based on our OWN free will.

James Lyons-Weiler, PhD

Allison Park, PA December 15, 2018

Support jameslyonsweiler.com

This effort is not funded by any means, except some meager ad revenue. Your support will help me offset costs. Won’t you pitch in?



  1. James,
    Brilliant and to the point! Thank you!
    Just one thing: Our rights to refuse to participate in medical research of any nature with (do you mean without? ) prior, free and informed consent, and to be treated with dignity befitting human beings without exception, and..
    Kind regards,
    Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH Classical and Modern Homeopathy Practicing since 1991 778-352-0806 http://www.ankezimmermann.ca

    1. Thank you. No, I mean “with”. Key distinction! Informed consent includes refusal and full, free and prior informing must occur before a decision is reached.

      1. I agree with Dr. Attitude… Your wording is not correct. 99% of people will think it should read Without… the way you have it phrased.

      2. The fatal flaw in previous approaches is to not demand “choice WITH informed consent”. Who would demand “choice WITHOUT informed consent”? The emphasis using WITH is on CHOICE; the emphasis using WITHOUT is on the contigency that CONSENT is GRANTED. CONSENT is never granted. INFORMATION is given, and thus we informed we can CONSENT or REFUSE. Thus, we assert our right to REFUSE … WITH INFORMED CONSENT. We thereby put the responsibility of PROVIDING information on those who claim to offer us the choice of consent… and ASSERT our right to be thusly informed and to CONSENT or REFUSE.

      3. I think the word “having” is implied in the sentence.. therefore it would be more clear to say “without having prior consent” No?

      4. The act of “providing informed consent”, or “consenting” for certain practices has devolved to handing patients forms AFTER the procedure. The language has evolved such that “being consented” is a replacement for “providing information on risks and benefits”. “Without having prior consent” in that context means you have the right to refuse – only if you have been been “informed”, “consented”, or “provided informed consent”. Due to the abuses of the language on the part of those who would like to force medication and procedures upon us, the language that best fit is “Our rights to refuse to participate in medical research of any nature with prior, free and informed consent, and to be treated with dignity befitting human beings without exception” allows for people to change their minds after first agreeing. It’s actually the most carefully crafted sentence in the Declaration. It means (1) We have our right to refuse, and (2) We retain our rights to “be consented”, and to revoke OUR consent as refusal..

  2. Beau Hawkes

    I like where your head is at Doc. We the People need to continue to reestablish and rewrite our rights. In doing so We ware creating the new policies that We consent to and agree to. This is what needs to happen. We need to create a new government to replace the corrupt government. It is what the Declaration of Independence instructs is to do!

  3. Our bodies, our rights! NO ONE should force (mandate) ANY person to any medical procedure, including vaccines, that they are not COMPLETELY pre-tested for and informed of all side effects. PERIOD.

  4. Complete agreement. No citizen should ever be bullied, coerced or mandated to do something against their religious or personal beliefs to protect themselves or others from harm. NEVER. Find a better way.

  5. Hawaii For Informed Consent supports this Declaration !00%
    Thank you for your brilliant mind and unwavering dedication!

  6. Veronica Sidorenko, for a group of Ukrainian parents “Vaccination: Free Choice”

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